Grilled salmon & veggie sandwich with sweet potato fries

Just because a meal is healthy, it doesn’t mean it has to be bland, unsatisfying or a salad. If you like sandwiches and burgers with fries, here’s a tasty, super healthy alternative to try!

A good start is to substitute burger buns or other white breads with something that is lower in carbs and higher in fiber. I recommend Multi-grain sandwich rounds. They are thin, so they have less carbs, and since they are multi grain, they pack a good amount of fiber.

Another great substitution is sweet potato instead of regular old russet potatoes. There’s nothing wrong with Russet, Sweet potato simply has more nutrients, like beta carotene and fiber. If you also bake your fries instead of frying them, then you have a super healthy side for your sandwich. Check out the recipe and video and give it a go!


– 2 4oz salmon fillets
– 1/2 zucchini – 2 multi grain sandwich rounds
– 1/2 yellow squash – sea salt
– 1 avocado – pepper
– 1/4 red bell pepper, sliced – 1 1/2 tbsp oil (olive, safflower)
– 1/8 onion, sliced – dash of chick bouillon

Sweet potato fries:
– 1 large sweet potato – 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
– 2 tbsp oil – salt & pepper
– cayenne pepper

Makes 2 sandwiches with fries.
Prep time 5 mins. Cook time: 20 mins.


Sandwich: 492 calls
Fries: 201 cals/ serving

Meal: 693 calls.

Compare to original six dollar burger & medium fries: 1340 calories! Not to mention way less fat and more nutrients.


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